- Solo passion project for mobile
- 2021 – 2022
Run around as Misu, a slightly chonky cat on an adventure to find the best Sunspot to lay in! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Misu is a 3D fantasy mobile game very early in development that I am developing in my free time, based on my own real life cat named Misu.
As the only one working on the game, I am in charge of implementing all programming aspects. Event driven programming, modularity for easy changes, version control, shaders, AI, triggerable mechanics, JSON saving/loading.
Designing the world, characters, story, gameplay mechanics.
Minor 3D modeling and animation, mostly for prototyping. Many 3D models and animations are purchased, however I am still the one implementing them and designing the look.
Implementing 3D sound effects (not creating them). Main character, Misu, voiced by real life cat Misu.

PS5 Web Scraper
- To help get my dad a PS5
- Built in a weekend (2022)
A simple web scraper that searches 6 major retailors every x minutes for an available PlayStation 5 (since they are nearly impossibly to get). Something I have never done before, but was a fun little project. Hopefully it will help my dad in getting a PS5!
Built using Windows Forms and Selenium. HTML parsing and error handling.
Bombs Away
- UCI Computer Game Science Capstone
(Oct 2019 – March 2020) - By Team Penguin Digital
Bombs Away is a frantic station management game set aboard a steampunk airship bomber. The player is a lone crewman on a ship designed for 9 and must switch between the various stations to bomb targets, fly, shoot enemy airships, and repair the ship just to name a few. Balance bombing all target buildings while minimizing harm to innocent bystanders.
Created randomly generated terrain that is populated with buildings, vegetation, and ground enemies. Programmed simple enemy AIs (ie. attack, dodge, follow).
Worked on lighting, smooth transitions and animations, particles effects and implemented artistic elements that the other artists in the game made (2D and 3D).
Was in charge of assigning tasks, maintaining the schedule, checking in one everyone’s progress, and filtering critical items from nice-to-haves.

Break the Ice
- Networked Competitive game
- 5 student team (2019)
A competitive penguin vs polar bear survival game. It is the penguin’s job to try and survive above water as long as possible while the polar bear attempts to destroy the ice the penguin is on.
Implemented the server-client protocol in Unity.
Helped direct the art design.

"Cat Tinder"
- Android App
- 2 student team (2019)
Tinder-style app for viewing and rating pet cats. Purely for entertainment purposes.
Built in Android Studio and used Google Firebase cloud database to store user information. Team effort.
Designed the app page layouts. As well as the cute little logo.

MillieSecond's Journey Through the Internet
- Mobile Game
- Solo summer project (2018)
MillieSecond, a brave data packet, must traverse the web of routers that build up the backbone of the internet and deliver her data in as few moves as possible, without being lost due to router congestion.
(Unfortunately never fully finished)
Implemented randomly generated network maps (to fit specific criteria), reading and writing to JSON to save level data. Procedural router congestion and path checking. First attempt at mobile touch controls.
Drew and animated art assets. Created assets for use in randomly generated characters.
Tried to maintain accuracy to how the real internet/ make it education works while also making it fun.
Augmented Shopping Rush
- Ludum Dare 42, 72 hour Game Jam
- Theme: Running out of space
- 2 person development team (2018)
A first person “shopper” game that takes place in a futuristic grocery store where players must buy all the items on their shopping list before their augmented reality goggles overwhelm them with useless ads and visual clutter. Can you get your monthly assigned shopping done in time?
Why don’t you see if you can in Augmented Shopping Rush! 😉
Happy shopping!
Programmed controls, randomization of food items, forward facing food labels to compensate for my bad modeling, and over-all game state checking.
Unexpectedly ended up doing most of the 3D modeling.
Minotaur's Curse
- Two player co-op retro dungeon crawler
- 2 person development team (2017)
Two treasure hunters find a cursed treasure that, when they break it, their bodies get merged into one. In order to separate their bodies, they must find all the shattered pieces and put the treasure back together while avoiding the Minotaur that they awoke!
Polygonal Invasion
- First person shooter
- 2 person development team (2017)
The year is 30XX. With humanity’s expansion into vast space, it has become important to protect it. Trained pilots defend their assigned posts using the Polygonal Defense System technology. It is your job to take on the duties of a PDS pilot and defend your post.

Little Jumper
- First game ever made with Unity (2017)
Basic 2D platform jumper, get from the bottom to the top. Pastel themed.